I forgot to post it here. I got better at drawing her. I tried a more '80s anime style recently but will keep at this style since that's how I draw. I love her even though she's not intended to be a main character
This is a scanned pencil sketch of a picture that I still want to work out. The whole thing is supposed to be a kind of fantasy landscape. The castle depicted does not have to be historically correct either. I will try to work it out in Procreate. It's a great programme, but unfortunately I'm not yet as proficient as I'd like to be ... As soon as there's any progress, I'll post it here!
I told myself, weeks ago that i would be post two or three times a week but here I am posting after a month of nothing. I have been painting alot more, but i finally completed something and am ready to post it. I decided flowers because i like flowers. I did a life vs. death kind of thing. I was hesitant about painting these because i was thinking to myself do i like flowers because i like them or because im a women and society norms tell me to? I know it sounds stupid but its these kind of thoughts that stop me from doing things i enjoy or want to do in life.
I have been so stressed out the last couple of days that today I completely have drawn a blank as to what to draw and is the reason why I’m posting sooo late today. I don’t know what this is I just decided to put blocks on blocks just to get something out there for today, but if anyone who sees this post has any like simple, ideas that I can do I am all for it; behind this 365 challenge I do drawing exercises like Proko and drawabox , I just don’t post it. Sooooo….yea any ideas would be nice.
This was my very first attempt at the grid. I restarted drawing about October or November of 2020. I was watching something on YouTube and a video came up about a street artist who uses the grid method when scaling up their artwork for the sides of buildings. It got me thinking ... and drawing ... and learning. Its so much fun to watch something slowly come to life from the paper. This was done in a sketchbook. After that I went and got a 9 x 12 inch Strathmore drawing pad - series 300. I have researched paper and I found a great deal on the Strathmore Series 500 roll. 40 inches (or something) by 8 yards! I can't wait to see how the projects improve when the quality of the paper increases. I am currently working on a gift for a friend. Its a drawing of their baby in a little piggy outfit. Unfortunately - I won't post it because its a picture of someone's baby ( I don't have permission - yet) ... but I am super happy with it so far!
I was doing this while listening to M83, specifically “My Tears Are Becoming A Sea”. I wanted to do art inspired by that song. This is a very quick random drawing that’s actually really bad but I just was doodling for like 10 minutes and decided to post it.
isnt this art looking cute 0w0 its me and my shawdow friend his name is sleepy boy (this is a real shadow thats in my room so its not fake) but i thought it is gonna turn out cute (i wish i had plus UnU) ill post it tomorrow to see how it looks like when its complete (its gonna take me half an hour probiily U_U)
I decided to sketch my favorite YouTuber, today. I'm not great at drawing people, so I often sketch people that I idolize (Or just like) the most. I think it turned out really well, so I just had to post it. Hope you guys love it.
Not the best, but I'm quite proud of it, so I decided to build up the courage and post it. I'd love to have someone tell me their opinion on this, constructive criticism is always appreciated.
Sorry i have not been posting! I forgot I had a account for this page until I went to my Gmail and saw notifications from someone asking where I was...so the next few posts are art I already made this past week because I can only post one piece per day, but if you wanna see the art before I post it heres my facebook page!! https://www.facebook.com/GalaBunnyuwu (really hope the link works ;w;)
Well, it's a hand. I decided that even if I really don't like it I'll post it anyways. Why? Because it's still a piece of my journey, something for me to look back on later and see how much I've improved.
So I worked for a few hours on a drawing of McCree that I was going to post today. However I am a dummy and didn't save anything since the sketch layer and then my drawing program crashed.... :'( So new plan! I had this old painting of D.Va I never finished but I really wanted to post it! So I kinda quickly finished it up and here she is! This is one of my first attempt at digital painting so it's not great but I am pretty content with it.
So I wanted to play with lights and shadows with this piece. (sorry I literally could not figure out how to set post it straight and I tried all I could think of, it didn's work out. Please if you have the same problem and you know how to solve it tell me, thank you).